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BSB seeks new members for its Advisory Pool of Experts (APEX)

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) is recruiting new members to its Advisory Pool of Experts (APEX).

The BSB uses APEX for advice and support, to help develop policy and make regulatory decisions. APEX is made up of a diverse group of people, from a wide range of backgrounds, who are experts in their respective fields.

The BSB is now looking for new members with expertise in:

  • continuing professional development (CPD);
  • information law and data protection;
  • money laundering and terrorist financing legislation;
  • regulatory policy and theory; and
  • statistics.

The expert on information law and data protection must be legally qualified but the other roles are also open to lay experts.

APEX members contribute to the BSB’s policy development across a wide range of complex and interesting areas and enter into a paid consultancy agreement for services with the BSB for up to 10 days work per year.

The closing date for applications for these positions is 9:00am on Monday 12 March 2018.

Interviews will take place in London between 30 April 2018 and 9 May 2018. An induction session for those appointed is scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday 27 June 2018.

About Apex

APEX was formed as part of the BSB’s governance restructuring which has led to more executive-led policy development and decision making. APEX members are appointed to provide BSB staff working on policy development or taking decisions on authorisations with external and independent advice.

About the vacancies

Information Law and Data Protection

The expert must be legally qualified, have five years’ post-qualification experience and be currently authorised to practise by an approved regulator under the Legal Services Act 2007. They will advise the BSB on data protection and Freedom of Information matters and will have experience working with public or private bodies and/or regulators to achieve compliance with data protection legislation.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

The expert will advise on compliance with the BSB’s new CPD processes and will have experience of competency based assessment and decision making, and of professional development systems.

Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Regulations

The expert will advise on the implications of these regulations for the BSB and will have experience at a senior level as a Money Laundering Reporting Officer, Nominated Officer, Risk and Compliance Officer in a similar role.

Regulatory Policy and Theory

The expert will advise the BSB on applying regulatory theory to the development and implementation of our policies and will have experience of working with regulators.


The expert will advise the BSB on using statistical analysis to support its research activities. The successful applicant will have experience of statistical modelling in social research and in the use of a range of statistical techniques and tools.

Short biographies of current APEX members can be found here

About the Bar Standards Board

Our mission is to regulate barristers and specialised legal services businesses in England and Wales in the public interest. For more information about what we do visit: